You can learn the English word “think” by watching videos, so you are able to understand English definition, meaning, sounds and acquire natural rhythms. Joshua’s Seven-Step Method is an effective learning method for listening, speaking, reading and writing English.
Learning video for “think” | Joshua’s English Dictionary
Think – Definition & Meaning summary
- to seem or appear.
- to exercise the higher intellectual faculties.
- to call anything to mind; to remember.
- to meditate; to ponder.
- to judge; to conclude.
- to intend; to design.
- to presume; to venture.
Joshua’s Seven-Step Method
Let’s learn the English vocabulary “think” by using our Seven-Step Method for effective learning.
Step 1: How to pronounce “think” in English
Can you pronounce “think” correctly?
The answer is this.
- American : /θɪŋk/
- British : /θɪŋk/
Step 2: The Word Origin
This word, “think” is derived from Old English “thinken.” It means “to seem.”
It was confused with Old English “thenken” that means “to consider, to meditate.”
Therefore, it has both of these meanings in the present day.
So, from the Word Origin, “to seem, to consider, to meditate” is the essential meaning of “think.”
Step 3: Definition
The modern usages of this word are:
First meaning, to seem or appear.
For example – I think Spring is around the corner.
Second meaning, to employ any of the intellectual powers except that of simple perception through the senses; to exercise the higher intellectual faculties.
For example – “I think therefore I am.” This is an English translation of Latin quote, “Cogito ergo sum” by Rene Descartes.
Third Meaning, (Specifically) to call anything to mind; to remember.
For example – I would have sent the books, but I did not think of it.
Fourth Meaning, to reflect upon any subject; to muse; to meditate; to ponder; to consider; to deliberate.
For example – He often thinks about the meaning of life.
Fifth Meaning, to form an opinion by reasoning; to judge; to conclude; to believe.
For example – I think it will rain tomorrow, because the barometer is falling.
Sixth Meaning, to purpose; to intend; to design; to mean.
For example – I’ve been feeling unwell lately, so I think I need to see a doctor for a check-up.
Seventh Meaning, to presume; to venture.
For example – I think that this would be a good opportunity to expand our market.
Step 4 Derived words or Related words
- thought, thinkable, unthinkable, unthinking
- doublethink, forethought, free-thinker, groupthink, misthink, overthink, rethink, think-tank
Step 5: Word forming elements and application examples
Step 6: Collocation
A collocation is the natural connection of words.
I think that we ought to consider changing the regulations.
I honestly think that he is the best person to lead the team.
Step 7: Commonly used Word Pairings and phrases
think it
We need to think it through again.
Note: “think through” means “to consider carefully and in detail.”
think I
I think I need a vacation.
think you
I think you should apologize to your colleagues.
think about
Let’s think about the agenda for the next meeting.
think we
I think we should improve our procedure for performance reviews.
Note: “procedure” means “the act of proceeding; process; operation.”
I think
I think my grandfather is showing signs of dementia.
Note: “dementia” means “the state of exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of the mind; insanity; madness.”
you think
What do you think about the Giant’s chances in the playoffs?
Note: “playoff” means “a match, or a series of final competition to determine a championship.”
not think
I do not think that this is a big problem at this point.
think about it
Let’s think about it over the weekend.
Note: “over the weekend” means “during the weekend days.”
think we should
I think we should fire Jones.
think you can
Do you think you can complete the report by the deadline?
think of it
Come to think of it, he did say that he would take a personal day today.
Note: “come to think of it” used when one has had a sudden realization or just remembered an idea.”
think it would
I think it would be a good idea to have a welcome party for our new members.
thought it would
I thought it would rain today, so I brought my umbrella.
do not think
I do not think that the new restaurant is very good.
do you think
Do you think it’s going to rain this afternoon?
why do you think
Why do you think he left work early?
do you really think
Do you really think that they will fire Jones?
who do you think
Who do you think will become the new CEO?
don’t even think
Don’t even think about taking time off next week.
I used to think
I used to think that he knew what he was doing.
I was just thinking
I was just thinking about my plans for the weekend.
know what I think
You already know what I think about Jones.
think of it as
Here is a new watch for you. You can think of it as a gentle reminder to come on time.
think I do not
I think that I don’t have enough time to finish the project by Friday.
think about what you
Please think about what you should do to improve your business performance.
think I can do
Do you think I can do this tomorrow?
thought he was going
I thought he was going on the business trip to Hong Kong.
thought I was going
I thought I was going crazy because I got on the wrong train an ended up in New Jersey.
Note: “end up in” means “to reach someplace that wasn’t intended.”
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